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Va employment application PDF Form: What You Should Know

The Application is for an appointment to serve with an agency of the Commonwealth. The applicant must be at least 21 years of age. In addition, the applicant must have a permanent residence in the Commonwealth of Virginia.  State Application 7.0 Format V.A. Healthcare System Requirements A. Application for appointment to serve With the Commonwealth or for appointment to any county health department. You may want to print a copy of this form. It is in PDF format. VA application form for “associate” doctor Fill-out and print V.A. Healthcare System Requirements B. Applicant application and other documents Applicant's name; Applicant's signature, and Date and Time of application for appointment (include full date, time, and location of application) Address; Telephone number and fax number; City of Residence, State and Zip Code; Date and time of Interview C. Waiver of Rights if an applicant is under 21 years of age. 1. Applicant who is not a United States citizen (and does not have a current or former U.S. or foreign driver's license that documents such status) must not be an applicant for employment without the written permission of the Virginia State Board of Medical Examiners. 2. Applicant who is not married nor in a domestic partnership and does not reside in the same household as one or more parents but has a parent who currently lives in the United States that has a U.S. visa or permanent resident card and who has filed a claim for dependent status with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services by the end of his or her first 90 days in the United States is not required to be a U.S. citizen to be eligible to apply for appointment as an associate doctor. 3. Applicants under 21 years of age and a student are not eligible to serve in any capacity with the Veterans Affairs Medical Center. 4. Applicants under 21 years of age applying for appointment to serve as an associate is subject to the provisions of chapter 64, Laws of 1976, regarding the medical and sanitary requirements for service as an assistant to a physician. This chapter also contains regulations regarding the qualifications of assistant physicians and associated personnel.  Approximate number of pages per application: 1 1.

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